armada boat 2armada boat 2
©armada boat 2|Alan Aubry - Métropole Rouen Normandie


Rouen Tourism spoils you

L’Armada de Rouen 2023

Board, shipmates! Whether you’re a freshwater sailor or more of an old sea dog, Rouen Tourisme is spoiling you for the Armada.

Dinner on the water awaits you...

From June 1 to June 7, try to win:

  • A fireworks dinner cruisefor 2 people, on Sunday June 11 at 8pm.

A timeless moment on the water:

  • Come aboard the Tivano for a dinner amidst the world’s most beautiful sailing ships,
  • Make your taste buds tingle,
  • Watch the fireworks display lighting up the boats!

Want to get involved?

To take part in the competition, visit our Facebook page!
