Your Fresh & Local Products To Eat Good And Organic !Your Fresh & Local Products To Eat Good And Organic
©Your Fresh & Local Products To Eat Good And Organic !

Fresh, local produce for good, organic food

Today, we all have good reason(s) to eat local! For the taste of ripe produce, for its freshness, to support local agriculture, for the planet, for our health, for our wallets… Here are just a few examples of initiatives being organized near you to find good fresh, local, seasonal produce!

Producer sales outlets

For several years now, initiatives have been multiplying to encourage consumers to eat locally, by favoring short circuits. Today, it’s also a way to be supplied by reducing the links.

Producer, intermediary, AMAP… Find the short circuit that suits you!

It’s also an act of solidarity to consume locally! Regional producers are counting on Normans to source local, quality produce. The Normandy Region and the RolloN, the Normandy citizen currency association, have therefore made their digital tools available to connect local producers, distributors and consumers through its geolocation tool. It’s completely free and there’s no obligation to use the regional currency.

The “Le Producteur local” cooperative is now present in Rouen in the Maison du Parc naturel urbain du Champ des Bruyères.

This food distributor favors short circuits and offers its customers not only a store but also a takeaway formula with no fewer than 180 local references. The business takes no margin and returns all products sold to their producers.

The store is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 7pm.

Since February 2020, the Seine-Maritime department has set up a website that enables residents and tourists alike to easily identify, via a map, outlets selling local produce, but also to support players in the agricultural sectors.

A new platform has been launched thanks to a partnership between the Chambers of Agriculture and the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It lists all the platforms for direct sales of agricultural products. Easily locate producers and their direct sales outlets near you!

Vending machines

The advantage of vending machines is that fresh, local produce is available 24 hours a day! In Bois-Guillaume, Ferme du Chapon (rue de la Haie) has around a hundred crates stocked with produce from the farm and other producers.
In Mont-Saint-Aignan, Ferme Saint-Aignan (chemin des Bouillons) offers direct farm sales alongside the vending machine. In Saint-Jacques-sur Darnétal, at Les Forgettes (RN31), the GAEC de la ferme de la Vieux-Rue and a baker supply 100 crates.

Order online!

You can also order your basket with just one click! The, or sites are good references. La Charcuterie à la ferme, based in Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Duclair, also offers online ordering (
