Museum of Ceramics - RouenMuseum of Ceramics - Rouen
©Museum of Ceramics - Rouen|Alan Aubry

Twelve free museums in Rouen

Two free museums in Rouen offer free free tours of the permanent collections at the Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Natural History or the Dungeon, Joan of Arc Tower. Go and discover the treasures enclosed in these unique places and learn more about the history of the capital of Normandy.

The Réunion des Musées Métropolitains

Rouen - Normandy

The Réunion des Musées Métropolitains Rouen Normandie offers a wide choice of museums, bringing together a diverse collection of one million objects.

With manyfree museums in Rouen, located in the city center, close to the SNCF train station, discover for a day, a weekend or a stay in the capital of Normandy, the riches of these permanent collections of national scope.

Tous aux musées !
Tous aux musées !
Tous aux musées !

The museums to discover for free on a self-guided tour are:


Happy visiting