What is the Rouen MIN ?
The MIN is the Marché d’Intérêt National where professionals selling and buying perishable agricultural and food products meet. Created in January 1969 to relieve congestion in the city center and more precisely the Place du Vieux-Marché, the MIN of Rouen is the first, along with Rungis, to have opened its doors in France. It is also called “the Rungis of Normandy”. Private individuals are not allowed to buy on this market but, come, we take you to discover it!

Mosaic of colors and scents...
The MIN will make you lose your mind!Our guide is in the best position to introduce us to this market since he has been working there for 33 years. We begin the tour with the flowers and plants sector: roses, lily of the valley, tulips, lilies, exotic flowers, cacti, orchids, palm trees… Welcome to the heart of nature! We also find accessories such as vases, gift wrap, bows and other items needed by florists and garden centers.
Let’s go see the best-selling fruit in the world! Direction banana sheds! Here, the predominant color is yellow, but there are also green bananas ready to turn yellow in the ripening rooms. Our guide explains all the import process, by plane or boat, and answers our questions, before offering us a tasting!
5 fruits and vegetables per day … and more! We enter a huge warehouse where fruits and vegetables are mixed. While some recognize several varieties of apples or tomatoes, others wonder about a particular fruit or vegetable.Artichokes, pineapples, cherries, strawberries, carrots but also parsnips, sweet potatoes or melons … rare are the fruits and vegetables absent in this shed! Although all these fruits and vegetables open the appetite, you can not buy them directly at the MIN. You will have to go on the markets of Rouen and the metropolis, or in restaurants to be able to taste them raw or cooked

Now it’s your turn to try this tour! You can find all the practical information by clicking on the link below.
Happy visiting!