The Normandy Impressionnist Festival has become a major artistic event in France, enjoying worldwide renown and a much-appreciated festive atmosphere. For this edition, the focus is on the innovative spirit of the Impressionist movement.

Normandy Impressionist Festival
Workshops and discoveriesWorkshops and courses
of Normandie ImpressionnisteTell me about Impressionism!
By Citémômes, from 20.04 to 05.05Citémômes offers a rich program of creative workshops for children every vacation season. During the festival, from April 20 to May 6, explore a series of activities on the theme of Impressionism. Your young artists will be inspired by Monet! An exhibition in the Citémômes“petite galerie” also traces the history of this artistic movement. Other family events are organized in parallel with the workshops. Info and booking
Moving prints
At the Maison de l’Université, from 22.03 to 31.08 The Université de Rouen-Normandie has commissioned designer Christel Sadde and Marco Miniussi to create an artistic installation for the lobby of the Maison de l’Université. Inspired byImpressionism and using recycled materials, it evokes the play of outdoor light with oval-shaped mobiles and commas, reminiscent of paint palettes. A variety of workshops are offered, including hands-on plastic arts and materials awareness. Ticketing to come
of Normandie ImpressionnisteAu fil de la Seine” tapestry
By Citémômes, from 01.06 to 31.07Citémômes is proposing an innovative challenge: create a collaborative tapestry illustrating the Seine, a major source of inspiration for Impressionist painters, with the added challenge of making the work exceed the 70-meter dimensions of the famous Bayeux tapestry. So, are you up for the challenge? Information and booking
A sensory journey along the water
Rouen – La Bouille, on 17.04, 12.06, 15.07 and 07.08 This escapade takes you on a sensory journey along the Seine, with the creation of a collective travel diary to rediscover Impressionist landscapes. Accompanied by a guide, explore the riches of the Seine Valley, from Rouen to La Bouille. At each stop, enjoy a heritage tour and a writing hike with artistic activities. Ticketing to come
Together, we are Monet
By Citémômes, from 01.03 to 22.09Monet and knitting meet in this project, which brings together, for the first time, all the works of“Tricote un sourire“. This initiative involves creating huge collaborative representations of Monet’s famous paintings using the pixel knitting technique. Information and booking
The Seine as seen by the painters of the Rouen School
Maison de l’Université, 11.04 Discover how the Seine, omnipresent in their works, is represented in various contexts, reflecting the evolution of the artistic style of the artists of the Rouen School. Tickets coming soon
Les guinguettes du parc
In the Parc de Clères, 14.07 and 28.07 The Impressionist spirit comes to life in the Parc de Clères on July 14 and 28, with two ephemeral guinguettes on the banks of the Clérette river and entertainment in the park. A convivial moment in a bucolic setting with animpressionist atmosphere. Concerts and dancing, games and food await you in this exceptional natural estate in the heart of the Normandy countryside. Tickets to follow
Impressionist Visions
Jardin des Plantes, Rouen from 17.04 to 20.04 The Photo-Club Rouennais invites you to see anexhibition of photographs by its members on the theme of Impressionist Visions. At the time, the Impressionists chose to capture the ephemerality of light by assembling touches of color. Discover how contemporary cameras and digital tools now make it possible to recreate this singular aesthetic. Information and booking
To find out more, explore the activities, workshops and discoveries organized in Normandy, such as the Les impressionnistes en photos participative project in L’Aigle, the Digi’Impressionniste involving five Normandy high schools, or Impression Carton by I minuscule in Le Havre.
Organize your visit

Rouen Tourisme invites you to a unique experience for the Normandy Impressionnist festival: lunch on the grass on Sunday May 5 at Château d’Hautot-sur-Seine. Enjoy music, period games, a country picnic, local delicacies and a horseback ride in the ambiance of the 1920s. Book fast, only 400 places available! Tickets coming soon