The Big Clock - RouenThe Big Clock - Rouen
©The Big Clock - Rouen

Visit Rouen without a car

Rouen is a human-sized city that can be visited very well without a car. In addition to being practical, this solution can also be economical and ecological. Here are the different ways to get around Rouen without a car.

Start on the right foot...

on foot!

You don’t need to have a license to visit Rouen! Its historic city center, mostly pedestrian, can very easily be walked without a car. Stroll from theplace du Vieux-Marché to the quartier des Antiquaires, via the Gros-Horloge(1st pedestrian street created in France) and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in a few minutes. Whether you want to shop, look for a nice restaurant or just want to admire the city and its architecture, it’s all possible on foot!

Leave your car in the garage or in one of the city’s parking lots: the city’s public transportation will get you there.

If you need to move around the different areas of the city, even if it’s possible to do it on foot (count 15 minutes from the train station to the right bank quays of the Seine), you can also take the different public transport of the Rouen Metropolis: bus, TEOR and metro.

On Saturdays, it’s free! Access to public transport in theMetropole Rouen Normandie is completely free every Saturday. Validation of a transport ticket remains mandatory.

You can park in one of the city’s paid or free parking lots. There are park-and-ride lots in the Métropole de Rouen: some are free without any conditions and others on simple presentation of a transport ticket from the Astuce network. In fact, all you have to do is validate your bus or metro ticket at the parking exit terminal and that’s it, you don’t pay for parking!

A gesture for the environment and your wallet!

Happy visiting!