The triangular trade in Rouen, and by extension trade relations with the colonies, will collide through multiple narratives. The story of the researcher and guide, the poet and storyteller, the engaged citizen and the passionate woman accompanied by a musician.
You can choose the tour that suits you, or do them all…!
Visit mode: Rouen’s role in the slave trade
A guide from the Rouen Normandy Metropole d’art et d’histoire label, drawing on research already carried out and on research in progress as part of the exhibition, will take you on a tour of the visible traces in our streets of the stakes involved in the triangular trade.
Sunday, May 14, June 25, July 23, September 17 at 3pm
Rdv at the foot of the tide gauge, quai Gaston Boulet, Rouen
En mode musique : Balade sur les traces du passé négrier de Rouen
Aurélie Daniel of Balades Rouennaises, accompanied by musician Philippe Gouyer-Montout, dit Philo tells you about the city’s slave-owning past.
Friday June 16 at 6:30pm,
Place Henri IV, Rouen
In poetry mode, storytelling: Conte-moi Rouen décoloniale
Florence Capron and her sidekick, actresses, performers, take us on a sensitive exploration of the question of slavery and “human indignity”. A poetic apprehension that gives all its power to the harshness of the subject
Sunday, September 10 at 3pm.
Rdv Place du Champ de Mars in front of the Region gates, Rouen
In militant mode: Balade décoloniale à Rouen
The authors of the book “Guide du Rouen colonial” offer you a stroll that questions the traces of the past in our city, our street names or our statues. An open look at the darker sides of Rouen’s history.
Sunday, September 3, 3pm
Dev: In front of the Hôtel de Région gates (opposite the Champs de Mars esplanade), boulevard Gambetta, Rouen